All Books
Pretty Sneaky
$8.00 -
Psych-Out: A Psychological Game of Poker (Signed)
$12.00 -
Fr. Cyprian Invites You to Stand Up Close: You Are Magic! No. 8
$12.00 -
100% Sankey
$25.00 -
The Magic Catalogue
$15.00 -
$70.00 -
The Magic of Francis Carlyle (Inscribed and Signed)
$150.00 -
Stewart James in Print, the First Fifty Years
$275.00 -
The Annals of Conjuring
$275.00 -
The Art of Deception (Signed)
$100.00 -
Secrets: The Original Magic of Terry Rogers
$20.00 -
Sleight of Hand
$35.00 -
Magic with Rope, Ribbon, and String
$15.00 -
The Magician and the Cardsharp
$12.00 -
Ellis Stanyon's Best Card Tricks
$12.00 -
Nick Trost Folio No. 1 and 2
$70.00 -
$8.00 -
Nick Trost's Subtle Card Magic, Part One
$25.00 -
The Coins of Ishtar (Inscribed and Signed)
$45.00 -
Ken Brooke and Friends, Volume One
$55.00 -
Keys to Magic's Inner World
$40.00 -
Roughingly Yours
$23.00 -
Three Professional Card Routines
$15.00 -
Phantini's Ultimate Mental Secrets
$30.00 -
Moe and His Miracles with Cards
$30.00 -
$40.00 -
Mike Gallo
$15.00 -
David Neighbors on the Double Coin Gimmick
$25.00 -
Key Bending
$15.00 -
Phantini's Incredible Mental Secrets
$30.00 -
The Very Best, Yet!
$25.00 -
Fred Kaps Lecture Book
$8.00 -
$30.00 -
Abbott's Catalog No. 5
$30.00 -
Demon Magic: Davenports 1898 - 1998
$20.00 -
More Self-Working Card Tricks
$10.00 -
Greater Magic
$100.00 -
The Mechanics of Marvels (Signed)
$200.00 -
A Magician Explains
$15.00 -
Cy Endfield's Entertaining Card Magic, Part I
$15.00 -
Self-Working Close-Up Card Magic
$10.00 -
Special Effects
$22.00 -
Stanley Collins: Conjurer, Collector, and Iconoclast
$75.00 -
Hank Lee's Book Book
$15.00 -
Words on Wonder
$35.00 -
Nick Trost's Subtle Card Magic, Part Two
$25.00 -
Cold Reading for the Magician
$20.00 -
Quick & Effective Cold Reading
$30.00 -
Jim Ryan Close-Up, One to Four
$85.00 -
The Going South Lecture
$15.00 -
David Solomon, T. A. O. M. Convention Lecture Note
$15.00 -
The Ramsay Legend
$45.00 -
Under No Illusion
$10.00 -
Magic Castle Souvenir Book
$40.00 -
The Magic Menu, Year One: September 1990-August 1991
$20.00 -
The Magic Menu, Year Two: September 1991-August 1992
$20.00 -
Secrets of My Magic
$75.00 -
Bruce Cervon's The Black & White Trick and Other Assorted Mysteries
$30.00 -
Expert Hocus Pocus
$12.00 -
The Man Who Was Erdnase
$75.00 -
Paul Harris in Close-Up Entertainer
$20.00 -
A Magician Explains
$85.00 -
Card Tricks & Conjuring
$12.00 -
$225.00 -
A. B. C. of Ventriloquism
$30.00 -
A Real Miracle: Special Issue, The Aldine Boys' Own Magic & Trick Books 1994
$35.00 -
The King of the Conjurers
$30.00 -
Roltair, "Genius of Illusions" (Inscribed and Signed)
$50.00 -
The Wonder Girl
$45.00 -
Henry Gordon's World of Magic
$8.00 -
Dingle's Deceptions
$20.00 -
The Card Classics of Ken Krenzel
$50.00 -
The Fine Art of Magic
$125.00 -
Self-Working Card Tricks
$7.00 -
Self-Working Number Magic
$7.00 -
Self-Working Rope Magic
$7.00 -
Self-Working Coin Magic
$7.00 -
Self-Working Mental Magic
$7.00 -
Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks
$10.00 -
Slef-Working Handkerchief Magic
$7.00 -
Self-Working Paper Magic
$7.00 -
Card Fictions: Seven Performance Pieces with an Ordinary Deck
$35.00 -
Act Two: Theater of the Mind
$60.00 -
Memoirs of Robert-Houdin
$40.00 -
Hoffmann's Modern Magic
$15.00 -
For Magicians Only
$12.00 -
Magic 1400s-1950s
$90.00 -
The Professional Touch
$25.00 -
Kanter's Magic Shop Catalog
$22.00 -
$75.00 -
Fifth (Inscribed and Signed)
$80.00 -
$65.00 -
Ireland Year Book - 1956
$25.00 -
A Lifetime in Magic
$12.00 -
An Introduction to Magic
$10.00 -
Abbott's Catalog No. 23
$15.00 -
Abbot's Catalog No. 16
$15.00 -
Abbott's Catalog No. 9
$15.00 -
Annemann's Card Magic
$6.00 -
Abbott's Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks, Vol. 2
$25.00 -
Abbott's Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks, Vol. 1
$25.00 -
Oscar Eliason, the Original "Dante the Great"
$15.00 -
$100.00 -
$80.00 -
The Vernon Touch
$175.00 -
The Conjuror's Repository
$60.00 -
$15.00 -
The Ireland Year Book for 1951-1960
$40.00 -
Professional Illusion Building for the Home Craftsman (Inscribed and Signed)
$30.00 -
Jack Miller's Linking Ring Routine
$15.00 -
Routined Magic
$10.00 -
The Money Magic of Mike Bornstein
$10.00 -
Class Act: The Magic of Tony Binarelli
$30.00 -
How to Stack Dice for Fun & No $!
$12.00 -
Dunninger's Brain Busters
$50.00 -
Ken Brooke's Magic Place
$60.00 -
A Magician Among the Spirits, the Original Manuscript
$175.00 -
The Life and Times of the Great Lafayette
$70.00 -
The Year Book Reader, 1934 to 1950
$30.00 -
The Topit Handbook