All Collections
A Magician Explains
$85.00 -
Quicker than the Eye Mystery Bag 2025
$50.00 -
Stanley Collins Books
$80.00 -
Al G. Kelly & Miller Bros. Circus / Living Giraffe Poster
$70.00 -
Ringling Bros. Circus Camden Poster
$65.00 -
Al G. Kelly & Miller Bros. Circus Clown Poster
$65.00 -
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Philadelphia Poster
$85.00 -
Die Mysterien des Orients und Magische Phanomene - 2. Teil
$95.00 -
Neue Kartenkunst, No. 1-12
$375.00 -
Merveilleux! Mysteriux? Tours Faciles
$75.00 -
Clyde Beatty Cole Bros. Circus Clown Coloring Book
$6.00 -
Pieces of Dreams, Book #2
$35.00 -
Ozrol the Magical Clown Advertisement
$6.00 -
The Pickle Family Circus
$10.00 -
Circus Life and Circus Celebrities
$150.00 -
Mac Norton Poster
$5,000.00 -
Cours Magica
$225.00 -
Chandu, the Magician Record
$25.00 -
Sideshow Banner Belt Buckle
$24.95 -
Il Cacolo Senza Cifre Ossia Nuovo Metodo di fare La Moltiplicazione e La Divisione
$200.00 -
Tricks of To-Day
$55.00 -
Monedas Personales
$125.00 -
Secret Writings
$50.00 -
Le Theatre D'ombres a Kelantan
$145.00 -
Les Morts Vivent-ils?
$100.00 -
Le Sourcier Moderne: Manuel de l'Operateur a la Baguette et au Pendule
$115.00 -
Aero-Star Die Mexikanische Circus-Sensation Acrobatic Poster
$3,000.00 -
Oldrich Roland Juggling Poster
$1,800.00 -
The Antonetties Slack Wire Act Poster
$1,300.00 -
M. L. Clark & Sons Combined Shows Poster
$1,900.00 -
Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus Clown "Felix" Poster
$800.00 -
Chief Roongwa Belt Buckle
$24.95 -
Bone Crushing Anaconda Belt Buckle
$24.95 -
Sideshow Banner Belt Buckle
$24.95 -
Dance of Death Belt Buckle
$24.95 -
Smart Talk and Smart Tricks
$50.00 -
Peau Doux, Silver Edition
$15.00 -
The Royal Riddler
$95.00 -
Mes Trucs
$175.00 -
Half Hours of Scientific Amusement
$225.00 -
Easy Magic with Patter
$150.00 -
Micro Magie avec des Elastiques
$60.00 -
The Modern Playmate
$350.00 -
Recreations in Science and Natural Philosophy
$350.00 -
Cutting Cards Classifying Deck
$30.00 -
A Word in a Million
$20.00 -
$60.00 -
The Magic Land of Allakazam (Signed)
$125.00 -
Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Program 1950 Edition
$22.00 -
Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Program 1951 Edition
$22.00 -
Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Program 1955 Edition
$22.00 -
Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Program 1952 Edition
$22.00 -
Circus Ephemera
$45.00 -
Pair of King Bros. Circus Letterheads
$22.00 -
Cole Bros Circus with Hopalong Cassidy
$10.00 -
The Centennial Exposition, Harper's Weekly
$40.00 -
Entrance to Astley's Theatre in 1820
$75.00 -
Les Amuseurs de la Rue
$95.00 -
Creations Magiques d'un Prestidigitateur Moderne
$175.00 -
"Behind the Scenes" at Astley's
$80.00 -
Galerie Magique (Inscribed and Signed)
$225.00 -
Le jeu des Gobelets
$250.00 -
Le Grandes Illusions d'Hier et d'Aujourd'hui
$225.00 -
Topper's Mad, Mad, Magic
$75.00 -
Sleeving: How to Do It, What to Do With It
$70.00 -
La Magie De Finn Jon
$70.00 -
Deux Conferences sur la Prestidigitation
$95.00 -
$80.00 -
Dix Seances d'Illusionnisme
$115.00 -
L'envers du Theatre
$200.00 -
Television Dove Magic
$90.00 -
Le Jeu de Carte
$150.00 -
Rice's More Naughty Silks
$125.00 -
Invisible Secrets Revealed
$85.00 -
Les Cartes E.S.P.
$125.00 -
Biographical Sketches of Count and Countess: Phillip Nicol and Their Son Phillipe Jr.
$50.00 -
Waiting for the Circus Train
$55.00 -
Beautes et Forces de la Nature
$125.00 -
Spring Animal Teach-In DVD
$6.00 -
Juggling DVDs
$10.00 -
Back to Basics, Flourishing Vol. 1 and 2
$10.00 -
Quicker than the Eye Original T-Shirt
$25.00 -
Aristocrat Marionette
$95.00 -
Small Courier Marionette
$95.00 -
Baker Marionette
$95.00 -
Courier Marionette
$95.00 -
Grandpa Marionette
$95.00 -
La Voyante
$165.00 -
Select Amusements
$900.00 -
Tours de Cartes Anciens et Modernes
$200.00 -
Prairie Dress Marionette
$95.00 -
Publican Marionette
$95.00 -
La Verite sur le Spiritisme
$125.00 -
Markedsgogl og cirkuslojer
$65.00 -
Group of Circus Posters
$22.00 -
Trumpet Player Marionette
$95.00 -
Female Marotte
$150.00 -
Walnut Hat Marionette
$95.00 -
Jester Marionette
$95.00 -
Psychologie de l'Attention
$85.00 -
La Verite sur le Spiritisme
$95.00 -
The Parent's Cabinet of Amusement and Instruction
$50.00 -
Les Excentricites du Langage
$100.00 -
Mnemonika, or the Tablet of Memory
$120.00 -
Avec un Jeu Emprunte (Lend Me Your Pack)
$75.00 -
Traite de Sensations, Vols. I-II
$1,100.00 -
De Humana Physiognomonia
$1,200.00 -
Bibliotheca Magica et Pneumatica
$195.00 -
Les Mille et Un Amusements de Societe