Engravings | Prints
Barclay's Dictionary, Word Gamester Engraving
$150.00 -
Escamoteur Hand-Colored Lithograph
$150.00 -
Germain the Wizard Lithographed Poster, Framed
$900.00 -
A Séance with a Seer Illustration
$40.00 -
Humours of Horse-Racing a Hundred Years Ago
$45.00 -
Masquerades and Operas, Burlington Gate Engraving
$70.00 -
Bastille Square in 1864 Lithograph
$85.00 -
Vue du Palais de Justice Engraving
$100.00 -
Max Malini Framed Photograph
$65.00 -
Robert Macaire Magnetizer (Hypnotist)
$40.00 -
Conjuror Illustration from Punch's Almanack for 1908
$50.00 -
Magic Performance Illustration from the Punch, or the London Charivari
$50.00 -
Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly Hand Tinted Engraving
$85.00 -
The Joker is Wild Poster
$23.00 -
Burning Woman Print
$25.00 -
L'Oracle de Jardin de Tivole
$90.00 -
Escape Illusion Illustration Art
$350.00 -
Hocus Pocus, or Conjurors Raising the Wind
$325.00 -
Architectural Print by Teale
$25.00 -
Jugglers Exhibiting in the Court of a Mandarin's Palace
$225.00 -
Blue Bird and Enchanting Magician Lithograph
$125.00 -
The Great Roland Framed Broadside
$85.00 -
The Indian Juggler Caricature Print
$125.00 -
Rational Recreations Group of Engravings
$250.00 -
Vintage Houdini Print on Board
$50.00 -
Gamesters Engraving
$45.00 -
La Lanterna Magica, Peepshow Engraving
$125.00 -
Exterior View of Astley's Amphitheatre
$175.00 -
Interior View of Astley's Amphitheatre
$175.00 -
Raree Show at Lin-Sin-Choo
$225.00 -
Entrance to Astley's Theatre in 1820
$75.00 -
"Behind the Scenes" at Astley's
$80.00 -
Scene from the New Drama of "Belphegor, the Mountebank." at the Adelphi Theatre
$150.00 -
London Street Music - The Monster Organ
$95.00 -
A Balancer
$150.00 -
A Man with a Raree-Show
$150.00 -
Take a Chance Linocut Print
$75.00 -
A Puppet-Show
$150.00 -
Acrobatic Troupe Print
$175.00 -
Jugglers Exhibiting in the Court of a Mandarin's Palace
$20.00 -
Sorcier du Village ou L'Oracle Universel
$265.00 -
Castello di Ruffia Engraving
$22.00 -
Prenten-Magazijn Voor de Jeugd
$175.00 -
Vintage Print of Card Games
$40.00 -
Unlucky at Cards, Lucky in Love
$65.00 -
Russell Square, and Statue of the Duke of Bedford (Punch and Judy)
$30.00 -
Oeuvres Choisies
$22.00 -
Wrestler & Automaton Engraving
$115.00 -
Egyptian Hall Lithograph
$85.00 -
Court of Pye Powder Engraving
$55.00 -
Mr. Philippe Physicien Chinois Print
$20.00 -
Paper Folding, the Ladies' Home Journal
$25.00 -
Deux Tours d'Escamotage
$50.00 -
La Mendicite Etant Interdite
$25.00 -
The Travelling Magician, Harper's Weekly
$35.00 -
Jester, the Illustrated London News
$40.00 -
The Elixer of Hate Political Cartoon
$25.00 -
Palais de Justice Engraving
$75.00 -
Science Plate Engraving
$70.00 -
Carl Brema & Son Letterhead Print
$50.00 -
Engraved Plates on Magnetism
$50.00 -
Un Brelan Chez La Marquise Engraving
$25.00 -
Robert Powell, The Fire Eater Engraving
$125.00 -
Le Tireur de Cartes
$175.00 -
Palais de Justice
$95.00 -
Die Spieler, The Gamesters Engaraving
$30.00 -
Powell's Puppet-Show Engraving
$65.00 -
Strolling Players Engraving
$45.00 -
Comte Portrait Print
$35.00 -
Appel aux Souscripteurs
$60.00 -
Le Charivari, Cups and Balls Illustration
$45.00 -
Beaucaire Market Engraving
$75.00 -
The Conjuring Bird
$75.00 -
Masquerades and Operas, Burlington Gate Engraving
$95.00 -
L'Horoscope Plate
$20.00 -
The Wizard of Baghdad
$25.00 -
The Cabinet of Caligari
$32.00 -
The Hypnotic Eye
$110.00 -
House of 1000 Dolls
$35.00 -
Hello, Sucker
$40.00 -
The Cabinet of Caligari
$35.00 -
Hokus Pokus (A Haunting We Will Go)
$1,000.00 -
Seance on a Wet Afternoon