Printed for G. Conyers, n.d. [ca. 1769]. 12mo. [2], 148 pp., lacking final two signatures, frontispiece, and publisher's ads. Period half olive straight grain morocco over marbled boards (rubbed along joints and boards, margins unevenly trimmed). Fourth edition. Toole Stott 700. [Bound with:] BADCOCK, John. Philosophical recreations, or; winter amusements… London: Printed for Thomas Hughes, n.d. [ca. 1820]. [Also bound with:] SPEED, Adolphus (fl. 1647 - 1659). The Husbandman's instructor, or; Countryman's Guide. London: Printed and sold by A. Conyers, n.d. [ca. 1707]. Woodcut head-pieces. Lacking frontispiece and quire A (reproduced in facsimile and laid in). The first and only edition. - Together, 3 books bound in one.