Products by "Harry Lorayne"
The Magic Book (Inscribed and Signed)
$95.00 -
Star Quality: The Magic of David Regal
$65.00 -
Best of Friends
$55.00 -
Close-Up Card Magic
$50.00 -
The Card Classics of Ken Krenzel
$50.00 -
$40.00 -
$40.00 -
Rim Shots
$35.00 -
$30.00 -
Reputation Makers
$30.00 -
Harry Lorayne's Page a Minute Memory Book
$25.00 -
Meir Yedid's Finger Fantasies
$25.00 -
Miracle Math
$25.00 -
Rim Shots
$20.00 -
Dingle's Deceptions
$20.00 -
Doug Edwards Packs a Wallop!
$20.00 -
My Favorite Card Tricks
$15.00 -
P. S.: Personal Secrets
$12.00 -
Secrets of Mind Power
$12.00 -
The Memory Book