Products by "Philadelphia"
Modern Magic
$200.00 -
Life of Robert Houdin, the King of the Conjurers
$150.00 -
Endless Amusement
$125.00 -
Robert Houdin, The Great Wizard
$125.00 -
The Boy's Own Book of Indoor Games and Recreations
$95.00 -
Evening Amusements For Every One
$90.00 -
Evening Amusements for Every One
$85.00 -
The Adventures of a Boy Magician
$80.00 -
Before the Foot Lights and Behind the Scenes
$75.00 -
Maskelyne's Book of Magic
$65.00 -
More Magic
$60.00 -
The Adventures of a Boy Magician
$60.00 -
Modern Magic
$55.00 -
More Magic
$52.00 -
Evening Amusements for Every One
$50.00 -
Endless Amusement
$45.00 -
$45.00 -
Conjuring Tricks with Cards
$45.00 -
Miscellaneous Conjuring Tricks
$45.00 -
Evening Amusements for Every One
$40.00 -
Magicians Alliance of Eastern States Window Card
$35.00 -
The Conjurer's Vade Mecum
$30.00 -
Hand-Book of Games
$30.00 -
The Conjurer's Vade-Mecum
$30.00 -
Peterson's Familiar Science
$30.00 -
Fortune-Telling by Cards
$25.00 -
Conjuring Tricks with Coins, Watches, Rings and Handkerchiefs
$25.00 -
Miscellaneous Conjuring Tricks
$25.00 -
Philadelphia Magic Shop
$22.00 -
Homemade Games
$22.00 -
Bibliography of Memory
$20.00 -
Cyclopedia of Magic