Products by " "
3 Evans The phenomenal Motor-Bicycle-Racers in the World Poster
$8,500.00 -
Mac Norton Poster
$5,000.00 -
Aero-Star Die Mexikanische Circus-Sensation Acrobatic Poster
$3,000.00 -
Oldrich Roland Juggling Poster
$1,800.00 -
The Antonetties Slack Wire Act Poster
$1,300.00 -
Flying Handkerchief and Candle
$1,250.00 -
Crystal Spirit Clock
$1,200.00 -
De Humana Physiognomonia
$1,200.00 -
Select Amusements
$1,200.00 -
Die Enthullten Zauberkrafte
$1,200.00 -
Traite de Sensations, Vols. I-II
$1,100.00 -
German Variety Poster - Airplane Crash
$1,000.00 -
Carter the Great Condemned to Death for Witchcraft
$1,000.00 -
Hokus Pokus (A Haunting We Will Go)
$1,000.00 -
Arts Treasury; or, a Profitable and Pleasing Invitation to the Lovers of Ingenuity
$950.00 -
Germain the Wizard Lithographed Poster, Framed
$900.00 -
Gale's Cabinet of Knowledge, or, Miscellaneous Recreations
$900.00 -
Select Amusements
$900.00 -
Brass Paul Fox Chick Cups
$750.00 -
MC Sword Table
$750.00 -
Die Zauberkunst
$725.00 -
Verschniedenes zum Unterricht un zur Unterhaltung
$700.00 -
Recherches Historiques Sur Les Cartes a Jouer
$650.00 -
Germain Water Jars
$600.00 -
Codicille de Jerome Sharp
$600.00 -
The Art of Conjuring
$600.00 -
Direktor Kassner Poster
$600.00 -
The New Art of Memory
$550.00 -
Cups of Plenty
$550.00 -
Vanishing Alarm Clock
$525.00 -
$500.00 -
Le Petite Grande Bergeron
$500.00 -
The Ultimate Okito
$500.00 -
Epoptica (Complete File)
$500.00 -
The Oracle of the Arts
$500.00 -
Arte Magica Annichilata. Libri Tre. Con Un' Appendice
$500.00 -
Mein Training und meine Tricks
$475.00 -
George, Triumphant American Tour Framed Poster
$425.00 -
SBL Jumbo Street Cups and Balls
$425.00 -
The Encyclopedia of Stage Illusions
$400.00 -
Carter the Great
$400.00 -
Merv Taylor Incubator
$400.00 -
See-Thru Block Box
$400.00 -
La Magie de Robert-Houdin "Une vie d'artiste" (Inscribed and Signed)
$400.00 -
Kalanag and Gloria Poster
$400.00 -
The Boy's Own Book
$400.00 -
P & L Card Sword
$400.00 -
Monarch Die Box
$400.00 -
Merv Taylor Squirting Wand
$400.00 -
Onomatologia Curiosa Artificiosa et Magica
$400.00 -
Manuel Des Sorciers
$400.00 -
Briefe uber Die Naturliche Magie
$400.00 -
The Fashionable Science of Parlor Magic
$400.00 -
Silent Mora's Tube and Ring Trick
$375.00 -
Neue Kartenkunst, No. 1-12
$375.00 -
Eckhard Bottcher's Egyptian Scarab
$375.00 -
Hocus Pocus Junior: The Anatomy of Legerdemain, or, The Art of Jugling
$375.00 -
The Sharper Detected and Exposed
$375.00 -
Twelve Have Died (Inscribed and Signed)
$350.00 -
Wonders & The Conference Illusions
$350.00 -
Magic With Doc Maxam – Impresario of the Impossible Window Card
$350.00 -
The Modern Playmate
$350.00 -
Recreations in Science and Natural Philosophy
$350.00 -
P & L Glass Through Hat
$350.00 -
Hathaway Card in Balloon
$350.00 -
100 Years of Magic Posters (Signed)
$350.00 -
The James File
$325.00 -
Owen Magic Die Box
$325.00 -
Maro Prince of Magic, Flags of the World Window Card
$325.00 -
Jack Gwynne (Inscribed and Signed)
$325.00 -
Drawer Box
$325.00 -
$325.00 -
Hocus Pocus, or Conjurors Raising the Wind
$325.00 -
Facts and Speculations on the Origin and History of Playing Cards
$325.00 -
Conjurers Coins and Medals (Signed)
$325.00 -
Hades Fire Bowl and Double Load Dove Pan Combination
$325.00 -
Ultimate Dancing Hank
$325.00 -
Houdini Film and In-Person Program
$325.00 -
The Boy's Own Book
$325.00 -
Endless Amusement
$325.00 -
Bowl of Water Production
$300.00 -
Carter Beats the Devil Window Card in Frame
$300.00 -
Non Plus Ultra: Hofzinser's Salon Magic by Magic Christian, Vols III and IV
$300.00 -
Monster Midway
$300.00 -
The Illustrated Houdini Research Diary
$300.00 -
Fu Guillotine
$300.00 -
J. N. Hofzinser's Card Conjuring
$300.00 -
Mikame Turned Wood Cups
$300.00 -
Merv Taylor Wonder Box
$300.00 -
Direktor Kassner der unvergleichliche Zauberkünstler Kommt!
$300.00 -
Mega Brass Cups and Balls
$300.00 -
Timbas, Chirlatas y Casinos
$300.00 -
Eden Musee: Ajeeb Trade Card
$300.00 -
$300.00 -
Bellachini's Zauberkabinet
$300.00 -
Magie fur Gesellschaftliches Vergnugen
$300.00 -
Illustrierte Zauber-Soiree
$300.00 -
Endless Amusement
$300.00 -
Sykys Watch
$295.00 -
$295.00 -
100 Years of Magic Posters
$295.00 -
Magician's Performance Table
$275.00 -
The Annals of Conjuring
$275.00 -
P & L Vanishing Bowl of Water
$275.00 -
Three Card Prince
$275.00 -
Roy Benson by Starlight
$275.00 -
How ‘Tis Done; or The Secret Out
$275.00 -
Servais Le Roy: Monarch of Mystery (Inscribed and Signed)
$275.00 -
The Tarot of Meditation, The Yeager Tarot Deck
$275.00 -
Collectors' Bulletin (Complete File)
$275.00 -
Sensational Tales of Mystery Men (Inscribed and Signed)
$275.00 -
The Life, Times, and Scientific Labours of the Second Marquis of Worcester
$275.00 -
Himber's Vanishing Coke
$275.00 -
Natural Magick
$275.00 -
Leo Smesters Bell Cups
$275.00 -
Physique Amusante
$275.00 -
Rational Amusement For Winter Evenings
$275.00 -
Parlour Magic: A Manual
$275.00 -
Magic, Pretended Miracles, and Remarkable Natural Phenomena
$275.00 -
The Damned Thing!